The Merman

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The Merman Client :

What If I told you, that your history books are not accurate…. That even your Bible and writings are no way complete stories of the millions of years of life on earth…. And that even then, we are remembering timelines past of other worlds…

I recently worked with a man, whose guides came in to reveal to me that both during the Atlantean age, and perhaps even before then, he had lived as a merman. (For those of you that are not aware) during these ancient days, many wars on earth occured. Ancient beings had to adapt to life in very different ways. Many went to inner earth to live in the crystal cities. (I remember that as a Lemurian), and some even lived has half fish half man.

I can already hear the snickering and mocking voices of those doubting Thomas’s. And so for them I will say to you this. Ask yourself why the Human embryo have gills in their necks ? And why do scientists believe that we evolved from ancient fish 374 million years ago??

I will tell you why, it is because we have experienced life in every single form in billions of years of evolutionary spiritual existence. And therefore your history books, and religious books are lying to you. All that they call fantasy is our true realities. And your ancient alchemical texts and your Gnostic books coded with divine wisdom of the mysteries who have been murdered for generations because they hold the true keys to jheaven, have been buried under ground and hidden from you so that you won’t know your true story.

With that said, I worked with a client recently whos guides revealed that he in fact was a merman 🧜🏿‍♂️ 🔱 🧜🏿‍♂️🔱👑🐉 in past timeline and the message they brought to him was a magical scenareo and cosmic riddle that he was meant to solve on his own story.

I am forever blessed to be a medium between the worlds as I am able to tap into other timelines and realities that most humans have no idea is part of their story.


Ellen Redd/ Akashic Oracle
Psychic Medium

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