Sacred Geometry

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Sacred Geometry is embedded into your DNA

The soul design is coded into your being. However, it takes a lot of alignment work to recalibrate your crystalline structure for harmonic resonance and God code activation .

The story of humanity has been both beautiful and heart wrenching, as the annunakis have also interfered with your sacred design through many forms of black magic. Altering your geometrical shape to hold you out of divine harmonics.

Your cellular makeup works also like water does to frequencies, and can shapeshift and be transformed or mutilated through various types of corrupted or altered harmonics.

Ascension is going to require you to recalibrate your Crystalline geometric design in order to vibrate at the angelic harmonic resonance. This is part of what ascension is.

You, are a fractal of the prime source creator. A spark of the divine. But you have been frequency hijacked to think that you are something, you are not.

So long as you continue to vibrate in those frequencies that are not in alignment with your sacred geometrical design, you will have many spirital, emotional, mental, physical, and earthly malfunctions.

Sacred geometrical alignment can be achieved through spirital work, and energetic healing.


Ellen Redd /Melkezidek Priestess

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