Psychic Technology

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Psychic Technology

Psychic Technology:

The Wireless Technology That Emits From Our Consciousness in which we call being “psychic”  Is Inter-Connected To The Webitronic Geometric Metaphysical Neural Network- similarly to how the World Wide Web works.  We call this the collective conscious as we are all connected on a psychic level to the interconnected grid.

This Completely Balanced Inner System Enables And Converts Non Linear Information Into A Stream Of Astral Light That Instantaneously Reaches Our crown chakra and then our 3rd Eye Chakra Which Is Inter-Connected To Every “3rd Eye Chakra” Across The Oversoul Network.

This Is How Our Higher Self Can Leak Knowledge Into Us And Thus Be Comprehended, and also how we can translate light language and star languages from other planetary systems.  

This Is Also How Humanity Already Has Telepathic Technology Inside Ready To Be Discovered Once Again As The Ancients Did.

Many souls are already discovering this and developing it at different capacities .  As we tune in to these higher frequencies, we gain access to infinite amounts of creative upgrades.

A Gift From Eternity, divine manifestations in every now moment.  And the capacity to never be alone. Blessings My Family Of Light!

~Ellen Redd / Enlightenment Coach


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