Clear energy Vampires from your field:
Repeat after me
🔥 My energy, is mine, it does not belong to you.
🔥 I share my energy with those who also fill my cup and then receive in a harmonious exchange of life giving support.
🔥 I am not obligated to live up to your demands on MY energy.
🔥 My job is to protect my energy, and preserve it for things that support MY life. I only share my energy, when it supports my highest good.
🔥 I do not agree to have energetic exchange with those who bully, demand, insult, abuse, or disrespect me. And especially to those who act entitled to MY energy.
🔥 I am the guardian of my energy, and do not consent to the use of my energy against my will.
🔥I choose only loving connections and will only engage in energy exchange with mutually loving beings in a give/give exchange. And DO NOT consent to those who seek to drain my energy with no reciprocal exchange.
🔥 I do not agree to even communicate with those who seek only to take .
🔥I banish all parasitic entities from my field.
🔥 I reserve my energy for only what I’m guided to do, and with whom.
🔥I call back all energy that was taken from me against my will.
🔥 I establish healthy boundaries around my energy now, and expect all who wish to exchange energy to bring an offering of love and life giving support.
Ellen Redd /Melkizadek Priestess
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