Death and Rebirth

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Death and Rebirth

For those of you who do not know me, I wish to share a story about my death and rebirth.

Death has visited me many times in my life. I died at age 4, went to heaven, and came back with a message for the world. I spent many years enduring tremendously challenging and some exhilarating experiences that filled my soul with deep life experiences, and some wisdom too (after many failures and painful lessons), as well as many joyous times. All of these experiences were often full of light and love and angelic beings. But some were the darkest times one could imagine. Like things that nightmares are made of.

Death came for me again several times afterwards. Taunting me. Luring me. Tempting me. Many times I came out of my body, and traveled amongst the spirits in the non physical world. Sometimes I saw and heard angels all around me. It was hard to want to return, time and again.

My life was not easy. I did not have support or people to talk to that cared about me, so I learned to talk to the dead. I was always seeing things that others didn’t seem to see.

As the years have passed, I have become more and more developed in my abilities to travel into other dimensions, to speak with the spirits and the Star people, and to learn the symbolisms and the codes to help others to travel back to the light.

In the past several years, late into my ascension journey, even after a full blown kundalini awakening, I have continued to evolve, shedding layer upon layer of matrix distortions from my own soul. Peeling away dead skin from people I once pretended to be at a time.

A few years ago, by the grace of God, and my divine twin flame, I was given a final chance to face death and survive it again. Only this time, it nearly took me, into the darker side of the scales. I was faced with needing to abandon my addictions. My body, was no longer going to sustain me.

I must admit, of all of the death experiences I have encountered, this one took me right to the bottom, of all that Is. I saw and felt the pure depths of hell. I tasted it. I suffered not only for my own soul, and the deeds I did to violate my body temple, but I suffered for the collective, in my own garden of gethsemane. I saw that I had lived in other lives, and died from similar wounds.

I have spend the past few years healing my body temple. Doing ancestral healing. Correcting the patterning. Peeling away more skin. Some days, I am not sure if I will be given the grace to live another day. Each day, I weigh, the work to heal my own soul, with the work to assist the collective, while I wait for the scales to turn.

I share this now, to ask you, if your time was limited- would you change the things you are doing that are harming your soul? Is your pain too much to bare? Will you see Inside what it is showing you? How long will you abuse yourself? Are you not worthy of your own self love? The work my friends, is indeed painful. Yet, what hurts worse, peeling off dead skin? Or slowly suffocating your soul? Ask me…. I will tell you.

On the path to enlightenment, we may die 1,000 times. All just to truly live, if even for a moment.

Spiritual Teacher & Psychic Medium Ellen Redd

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