Connecting with your Spirit Baby

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Connecting with your Spirit Baby

One of the most painful things for people to experience after miscarriage and even abortion, is the grief of losing their baby.  YES, parents who abort also go through grief and loss, and often are too ashamed to address this so they suffer silently alone.

When working with the spirit world, I am able to connect the parents to the baby, to help bridge the two together and bring healing for both.

Do you know that the soul is always connected through a silver string, (etheric connection)?  And sometimes even the baby spirit is seeking some way to get through to the parents to send messages.  Even fathers who have lost babies through miscarriage and abortion can need some spiritual healing because of the soul contracts and spiritual bonds that are unresolved.

Many times the connection between the soul on earth and the baby soul, can be the most extraordinary healing for both parent and child.

If you are suffering from the loss of a baby, do yourself and the baby a favor, and allow the connection to be healed.

Blessed Be 🙏

Soul Baby Healing:

Ellen Redd / Melkizadek Priestess

Spiritual Teacher & Psychic Medium Ellen Redd

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