Scandinavian Shaman

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Scandinavian Shaman:

I am a Scandinavian shaman, having come from generation upon generation of Nordic/Norse/Viking bloodlines of souls whom have carved holes through rocks with their bare hands. Whose spirits burst through the flesh in the pursuit of truth and freedom for generation upon generation. Whose women learned the sacred blood mysteries, and blood magic. A bloodline on which has forged through mortal chains that threatened the sovereignty of all souls.

The ancestors have asked me to speak on some things here for the collective. And so I will divulge…

Your bloodlines pulse inside your veins, where the ancestors still reside. They live through you, and are never gone. Their gifts and sacrifices are part of your heritage, and EVERYONE is gifted. All linages of the 12 tribes are here with sacred knowledge encoded into their veins.

Scandinavian Shamans are the creators of many shamanic practices including the ancient ruins. Their traditions and spiritual ways were a result of living on the land and weathering unbearable cold winters, harsh environments, and gruesome mortal circumstances that forged WARRIORS out of them, male and female alike. (This does not mean the same codes or ways spiritually we’re not also taught to the other tribes, as all tribes were shown the way).

They learned to watch nature and mimick the animal kingdom to become one with nature. They learned to honor the land, and to work with her resources . They were persecuted by the false light (religious bullies of the dark ages) and called “pagan” as a means to deman them as they knew the spirit world and did not conform to the false religions that were twisting sacred teachings to conform to the kings perverse intentions.

The Nordic ancestors, learned to stimulate the cells in the body, to activate the spirits on the blood stream and to never ever become docile!!!

They understood that, in this mortal reality, they were needed to be warriors, not fairies, although they work closely with the fairy guides.

They honor the laws of the spirit world to enter into Valhalla and took very seriously the ways of the spirit world.

Shamanism is an art of learning the spirit ways, and each tribe on earth has shamanic gifts and teachings. My guides ask me to remind you, that you understand, shamanism is NOT monopolized by one race or another. It is the path to the spirit world. And those souls who carry the ancient wisdom, who have been chosen by the ancestors to come forth to teach and work as shamans, are sacred in that they have been chosen, upon first passing all the tests on earth, to become godlike again.

~Ellen Redd/Melkizadek Priestess
Scandinavian Shaman


Copyright: ellenredd2022

Gratitude to the artists: unknown (courtesy of google)